AWQL is a powerful language to make queries through the Adwords API to retrieve and manage data. It’s an efficient way to search and understand your data by a way you can’t find in Google Adwords.
I will give an example of what I did some days ago for one of my customer on the geo performance report table.
Geo performance in Adwords
Geo performance is one of the thousand of data to analyse in Adwords. These informations can be valuable for your client about his target. You can start actions on a specific target area, for example to make an event or to send flyers.
But the way Adwords give the geolocation information is not very easy to use. You have to go in the “Variables” tab and to class with cities or most precise localization. You can’t have the total per location. Not really easy to read. Here is what I do with AWQL.
AWQL query for geo performance
For this customer, I wanted to know campaign per campaign and for the whole account, what are the best cities.
After have selected the right account, here is what I write in the tool AWQL.me to retrieve data on the whole account:
Select CityCriteriaId, Clicks, Impressions, Ctr, AverageCpc, AveragePosition, CountryCriteriaId
In this query, I asked for the main KPIs to watch in order to know if there is demand (impressions and clicks) and competitor.
[symple_box color=”blue” text_align=”left” width=”100%” float=”none”] Tips: the DURING clause has to be the last one.[/symple_box]
As I have 3 different campaigns, I focus my query to have the data for each campaign, by adding the CampaingId field:
Select CityCriteriaId, Clicks, Impressions, Ctr, AverageCpc, AveragePosition, CountryCriteriaId
Where CampaignId = 123456
With two queries, I was able to understand precisely where are the best areas.
[symple_box color=”blue” text_align=”left” width=”100%” float=”none”] Tips: I don’t use a DESC or ASC clause because I don’t need too by using AWQL.me. Indeed, the tool let me rank any column in one click.[/symple_box]
AWQL is a very quick way to analyse some statistics which are not easy to analyse directly in Adwords.
Let us know what you do with AWQL and what you will love to do!