How to follow evolution of metrics in Adwords performance reports with SunnyReports

compare time period in adwords performance reports with sunnyreports

Your reports have to show the time evolution of the performances of the Google Adwords campaign. For this, we recently introduce the ability to add custom time period into a section of your Adwords reports for clients.

Now, you can compare time periods!

Adwords performance reports must show performance. Obvious, isn’t it ? But what does it mean for your reports ? How to do that ?

For an Adwords campaign, performance is first based on the ROI (Return on Investment) – the money you spend versus the money you earn. Google Adwords is interesting only if profitable.

But it’s important to follow all the metrics – average CPC, CTR, cost, clicks, conversion, cost per conversion. It’s even better to follow their evolutions. That’s why we introduce the ability to compare two time periods.

compare two periods in Adwords sunnyreports

To stay consistent and simple, we have followed how it works in Google Adwords. You can find below the two possibilities of time period comparison.

Compare with the previous period

comparison with previous period Adwords sunnyreports

By selecting this comparison, you can compare a time period to the previous one, exactly like in Google Adwords.


  • The period selected is from the June, 1st 2014 to 30, june 2014. The metrics will be compared to 2nd may 2014 to 31 may 2014.

    You must note that May will not be complete. As there is 30 days in june, the metrics will be compared to the last 30 days of may. So it begins at the second.

  • If you select a period from the tuesday, june 24, 2014 to friday, june 27, 2014, the metrics will be compared to friday, june 20, 2014 to monday, june 23, 2014. The period is four days long. The period to be compared is four days long and finishes the day before the first day of the default period.

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Display the evolution of metrics in Adwords reports for clients

Custom range period in a section - SunnyReports - Adwords custom report

Adwords reports for clients is about to explain the Adwords performances (and your work) to your client. The report includes metrics – clicks, CTR, cost, conversion, … – for a time period. It is also interesting to add some specific sections with another time period.

The importance of the time period

Adwords is all about statistics. And period matters with statistics. You need time to see trends in your metrics and to be able to decide what to do or what to test.

If you report monthly or weekly to your client, you show him a “screenshot” of the performances during a small period. One month is enough to follow the health of the campaign. You can show to total number of conversions, the cost per conversion and you can have the ROI.

But you can’t see clearly the evolution of your strategy. The global evolution of the metrics of an Adwords campaign will not be visible in one or two months.

How evolves the CPC since  you have taken over the management of this new account ? How is the evolution of the conversion since the beginning of the year ?

To answer these questions, you need to take a bigger period. That’s why we add the ability to change the period in each section of your report, independently of the report’s period.

How to set up a custom section period

We want to keep SunnyReports simple. So we add the custom period in a section with the same selector you can find in Google Adwords.

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Google could block paid search keyword data in Adwords


We learn from various sources that Google could block paid search keyword data in Adwords. It’s a tsunami in the SEM/PPC marketing world.

The news seems to have first been released by  A.J. Ghergich on his site. Keyword data from paid search could go the way of organic search and becoming ‘not provided.’

“not provided”

“not provided” is the term you can see in Google Analytics since 2013 when Google started encryption in https. The SEO world was shaken by this news. But Adwords still provide the search keyword data.

Search terms queries are very important in SEO/SEM in order to understand why users are coming on your website, and precisely which queries they type to find us. It’s the base of an account optimization in Adwords. It’s an unvaluable resources to make a better Adwords campaign.

It’s a bit weird as it goes against all the Google best practises to optimze an Adwords account. To learn more about what want and do your visitors is your priority. It’s the base of the coherency of the triptych “Keyword – Ads – Landing pages”. It’s the most effective point to enhance the conversion funnel of your campaign.

Search terms queries still available in Adwords

According to sources, we will still be able to see the precise keyword from our visitors in Adwords. The change will only affect 3rd parties which were using these data. That’s a good news if confirmed.

Reports within Adwords will stay unchanged. But Google Analytics reports (for example) will now show “not provided” in place of the precise search terms.

We can question the benefit to link Analytics and Adwords if Google starts to limit the data exchange between the two tools.


For the moment, it’s urgent to wait for the google official annoucement. This could affect a large part of the Adwords ecosystem and could change the way we all work.

EDIT 10/04/2014

Google communicates today with a post to clarify the situation about the access to search term reports in Adwords and the 3rd parties. It’s confirmed that search terms reports, previously know as “search query performance report” will still be available in Adwords.

The AdWords search terms report (previously known as the search query performance report) lets you see search queries that generated ad clicks along with key performance data. And the Search Queries report available in Google Webmaster Tools provides aggregate information about the top 2000 queries, each day, that generated organic clicks.

They add a best practice for optimizing the landing page: to use the keyword that generated the ad click rather than the query itself.


Download the data of your AWQL query in CSV/XML

Download AWQL query CSV XML

A few days ago, we released, a free tool to simplify the way you write an AWQL query and see the result.

We are happy to release a new feature: you can now download the results in two formats: CSV and XML.

Download button AWQL queryYou just have to select which format you want for the data and the file is downloaded automatically.

You can now write, check and test your AWQL queries and retrieve the Adwords data for a further exploitation in Excel for example.


Feel free to drop us a line with your feedback or to request a new feature. Have fun!

The way to count conversions changed in Adwords

adwords conversions count change

Google announced a week ago that there is a new way to count conversions in Adwords.

How it worked ?

Before these changes, there were two kinds of conversions: one per click and many per click.

  • Conversions – 1-per-click
    These ones count a conversion for every AdWords ad click resulting in a conversion within 30 days (the number of days you have specified for the cookie’s life).
    If there is more conversion following this single click, they won’t be count. This is useful when you want to measure the conversions for unique customer acquisition.
  • Conversions – many-per-click
    These ones count a conversion every time a conversion is made following an Adwords click (within the number of days specified for your cookie’s life).
    It counts all the conversions made after one click on an ad. It’s useful when you want to measure for example all the purchases in an e-commerce shop.

How it works now

Now, Google remove the previous conversions and Read More